I am professor (Full position, with french Habilitation à Diriger des recherches) at the University of Montpellier [LUM] in the laboratory Géosciences-Montpellier [GM]. I have also been invited researcher at the Institute of Mathematics Alexandre Grothendieck [IMAG] and at METOS in Oslo, Norway. One of my final goal is to provide Earth Sciences with relevant and innovative physical concepts and models relative to the dynamics of littoral and shallow water environments. In these web pages, you will find descriptions of my research activities.
I am convinced that interactions between disciplines can be at the origin of attractive scientific developments. As a consequence, I devote a significant part of my research activity to build bridges between distinct communities, more especially applied mathematics, coastal engineering, physics and geosciences. Less freshly, I have been deeply involved in the edification of partnerships and littoral scientific networks at the national and mediterranean scales.
I teach classes at the University of Montpellier for under-graduated and graduated students. I have been involved in many different learnings during the last 15 years, including geodynamics, basics of mathematics, coastal engineering, sedimentology, marine geophysics, geomatics & remote sensing, hazard analysis, littoral dynamics, introduction to geology/-physics, cartography, database conception, numerical modelling, quantitative geomorphology, field cartography,…
You can download my editable CV to extract material when needed (e.g. for a proposal). Alternatively, I provide a short french CV for engineering purpose mostly in PDF and ODT . You can also follow me on Research Gate, on Thomson Reuter research ID or on ORCID.