Educational background

Enrollment on a permanent position.

End of my student period...

PhD at Université Montpellier 2

PhD thesis title: Wave/ seabottom interaction. The South-East Basin carbonate ramp, France (2001). Institut des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers de Montpellier, 22, 255pp. PhD review by: M. Séguret (Supervisor), V. Rey (MIO Toulon), F. Guillocheau (Géosciences-Rennes), D. Bernoulli (UTZ, Switzerland), J.-L. Rubino (TOTAL) and M. Daignières (UM2).

Additional training courses of Master of Civil Engineering at UM2

Master (DEA) of Earth Sciences at UM2

+ Master of Civil Engineering at UM2 (training courses)

Graduate classes in several concomitant formations

Including: Physics, Geosciences (at Université Montpellier 2), Archaeology and Art History (at Université Montpellier 3) Graduate thesis: the wave-induced liquefaction process.

Former research positions

Associate expert (50%) at Bas-Rhône Languedoc Engineering, Nîmes

Gjesteprofessor at University of Oslo (Department of oceanography/ meteorology)

Associate expert at Bas-Rhône Languedoc Engineering, Nîmes

Associate professor (HDR) at university of Montpellier II, Geosciences-M [UMR 5243 ]

Associate professor at university of Montpellier II, Geosciences-M [UMR 5243]

CNRS delegate scientist at Institut de Mathématiques et de modélisation de Montpellier [I3M, UMR 5149]

Associate researcher at Institut de Mathématiques et de modélisation de Montpellier [I3M, UMR 5139]

Assistant professor at Université Montpellier II, Geosciences-M [UMR 5243]

Lecturer (ATER) at Université Montpellier II

PhD grant & Lecturer at University Montpellier 2 (french MENRT + Monitorat)

Teaching services

I teach classes at the University of Montpellier for under-graduated and graduated students. I have been involved in many different learnings since my enrollment years ago: geodynamics (passive margins), sedimentology, marine geophysics, geomatics & remote sensing, hazard analysis, littoral dynamics, introduction to geology/-physics, cartography, database conception, numerical modelling, geomorphology, field cartography, data analysis, basics of mathematics… I never teached a given topic more than 3-4 years for some obscure reasons (an euphemistic translation of the fact that I always accepted to change my teachings following the needs of my work mates). This makes me very polyvalent with regard to teaching.

In brief : I devoted my two first years (2002 – 2004) at Université Montpellier 2 for teaching strictly, as I was enrolled to develop a comprehensive environmental set of courses dedicated to the analysis of natural hazards. Then, from 2004, I centered back my activity to research, and I focussed my teaching activity on cartographic/ geologic field works as this fundamental axis was threatened in Montpellier. I continue to do so. However, since 2010 and my return from Institute of Mathematics, I tentatively develop also a new branch of teaching that tries to rally theoretical physics, mathematics and environmental geosciences. I would like to do so in an international context, with student exchanges with foreign universities (Taiwan, Quebec, Norway, Spain,…).

Execution of R&D projects

Partnership with BRL Ingénierie & ATARIM, Tel Aviv Municipality (Israel)

Topic: Innovative coastal defense structures (Hatzuk beach, Tel Aviv)

Partnership with ARKOLIA Energy (Montpellier)

Several partnerships with Bas-Rhône Languedoc Ingénierie (BRLi)

Topic: computational hydrodynamics

Partnership with Geomatys

Topic: middleware for coastal alert systems

Partnership with IBM France (site of Montpellier)

Topic: development of alert littoral systems

Expert for Bas-Rhône Languedoc Ingénierie (BRLi)

Topic: sand resources in the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes

Expert for EID-Mediterranée (EID)

Topic: Review of the submersion process

Partnership with SOGREAH Consultants (Grenoble)

Topic: physical experimentation relative to beach morphodynamics and geotubes

Expert for Bas Rhône Languedoc Ingénierie (BRLi)

Topic: circulation forced by waves around geotubes

Expert Direction Littoral et Maritime (CG34 Hérault)

Topic: general informations on coastal dynamics

Partnership with DREAL Languedoc-Roussillon

Topic: detailed analyses of coastal management problems in relation with erosion/ submersion processes