Research management and scientific animation
Administrative tasks
During the period 2009 – 2015, I have been strongly involved in the development of research scientific networks at national and mediterranean scales. Significant efforts have been done in that direction so that a strong scientific community working on littoral dynamics now exists. Since 2016, I am back to a strict scientific activity. I still collaborate to the development of the networks which I have initially contributed.
Member of the DYNALIT bureau
Management of “retraites” and workshops for GLADYS
GLADYS is a scientific group for littoral dynamics in Languedoc-Roussillon. See
Leader of the MISTRALS – littoral & shoreline initiative
Member of ARP MERMED in charge of littoral questionings
Active member of the Office of Observatory OREME
Co-head of national SOERE Littoral – Trait de côte
AERES comitee member (for the evaluation of CNRS french labs
Deputy director of OSU OREME in charge of scientific observatories
Head of SO-LTC
SOLTC is a Mediterranean shoreline observatory. See
Expert for AAP (review of several proposals for french ANR)
Elected member of the Council of Observatory OREME in Montpellier
Involvment in various COPS comitees
Recruitment of scientists at the university
Elected member of the Administrative Council of University Montpellier 2
Elected member of the Council of Géosciences-Montpellier laboratory
Leader of GLADYS (scientific group for littoral dynamics in Languedoc-Roussillon) and GLADYS 2 (from 2008).
Review of scientific papers for journals
Terra Nova, Norois, QI, geomorphology, Journal of Coastal Research, Marine Geology, Journal of Environmental Processes…
Representative member of Observatoire Départemental du Littoral Héraultais
Nominated member of council of ISTEEM
Dissemination & outreach
Management of 16 specialized meetings
For the edification of a MISTRAL – littoral & shoreline program
Taiwan / France meeting (in Montpellier)
In charge of the organization of the 2nd workshop MATHOCEAN (Montpellier)
Creation of an Atlas of Languedoc-Roussillon hydrodynamics
Contribution to short (5′) documentary video on submersion
View them on
Taiwan – France meeting and field trip (South of France)
Scientific coordination of a TV documentary fiction “Ora Maritima” (2 x 52′)
View the trailer on
Organization of workshop LEFE/ IDAO (Montpellier)
Various media interviews
Mariane, Le Monde, Midi Libre, La Gazette, TV, spanish press, CNRS video, Thalassa…
Management of numerous SO LTC and GLADYS meetings
Including the famous "GLADYS workshops" several times a year
Contribution to the organization of 5th congress of sedimentology (Montpellier)
Funding research activities
I provide below a list of my main funded projects. I fund my research activity with approximately 300 k€ per year since 10 years. This non negligible value is due to the fact that I support huge deployments of hydro-morphodynamic equipments in the field.