PhD students

When I use the word director, I mean that I am in charge of the student administratively. The word supervisor refers instead to a commitment on a scientific basis. In both cases, the prefix co- means that I shared the responsability with colleagues.

Lise Petitjean, co-director

Etude des plages sableuses: relations entre les vagues, le niveau d'eau, la nappe et la morphologie

Lise Petitjean
Lise Petitjean

Romain Chailan, co-director

Application du calcul scientifique et de l'analyse statistique à la gestion du risque en milieu littoral / Scientific computing and statistical analysis applied to coastal hazards

Romain Chailan
Romain Chailan

Enrolled in a private company

Fabien Rétif, director

Submersion of a sandy barrier at various time and spatial scales from modelling (Wan Tzu Liao, South-Western Taiwan)

Fabien Rétif
Fabien Rétif

Fabien is currently post-doc researcher at Laboratoire d'Aérologie de Toulouse.

Lucie Campmas, director

Instantaneous to seasonal beach morphodynamic response to extreme forcings (Wan-tzu-liao barrier, Taiwan)

Lucie Campmas
Lucie Campmas

Alexis Nutz, co-supervisor

aciès, architectures et dynamique de la déglaciation wisconsinienne dans le bassin du Saint-Jean (Québec, Canada) : modalités d'enregistrement d'une régression forcée et de l'hydrodynamique d'un système fermé contrôlé vent / Facies, architectures and dynamics of the wisconsinian deglaciation in the Saint-Jean basin (Québec, Canada) : record of forced regression and hydrodynamics of wind-driven enclosed water body.

Alexis Nutz
Alexis Nutz

Postdoc researcher for the RiLakS project - Rift Lake Sedimentology, a partnership bewteen CNRS and Total Oil Company.

Afaf Bouharguane, co-supervisor

Analyse, simulation numérique et optimisation de modèles non-locaux en morphodynamique littorale / Analysis, numerical simulation and optimization of non-local model for beach morphodynamics.

Afaf Bouharguane
Afaf Bouharguane

Assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics in Bordeaux.

Nans Bujan, co-supervisor

Hydrodynamical and topographic in situ measurements associated to mutli-scale modelling of sandy beach sediment dynamics of the Languedoc coastline (France).

Nans Bujan
Nans Bujan

Formerly post-doc at NCKU, Taiwan

Olivier Raynal, co-director

Architectures de dépôts et facteurs de contrôle d’un système côtier à faibles apports sédimentaires – le littoral languedocien (Golfe du Lion, Sud de la France) / Depositional architecture and control parameters in a sediment deprecated littoral system (Gulf of Lions, France).

Olivier Raynal
Olivier Raynal

Olivier is presently enrolled as a research engineer on a permanent position at UPVD, Perpignan.

Damien Isèbe, co-supervisor

Modélisation, simulation et optimisation en génie côtier / Modelling, simulation and optimization in coastal engineering.

Damien Isèbe
Damien Isèbe

Research Engineer at HORIBA, Montpellier

Cléa Denamiel, co-director

Modélisation hydrodynamique 3D en zone pré-littorale : Caractérisation des effets des houles de tempête sur la circulation océanique / Coastal 3D hydrodynamic modelling: control of waves on inner continental shelf circulation.

Cléa Denamiel
Cléa Denamiel

Researcher at the MIT center for global change science.

Post-docs & engineers

Manon Besset (INSU funds)

Dynamic classification of Deltas

Manon Besset
Manon Besset

Julien Huon (SOLTC & LITTO CMS funds)

Web design for SOLTC, GLADYS and MISTRALS–Littoral. I continue to work with Julien regularly, both for research and teachings.

Julien Huon
Julien Huon


Cyril Ramière (SOLTC & LITTO CMS funds)

Development of the SO LTC web content and databases.

Cyril Ramière
Cyril Ramière

System administrator

Adrien Lambert (Project COPTER ANR–05–BLAN–0005)

Physical experimentation in flume at LEGI and 3D basin at SOGREAH to discuss the validity of shape optimization methods.

Adrien Lambert
Adrien Lambert

Elena Brambilla (Project Marie Curie NESTS & GLADYS funds)

Net seaward sand transport during storms.

Elena Brambilla
Elena Brambilla

Cléa Denamiel (GLADYS funds)

Subject: Contribution to the atlas of hydrodynamics in Languedoc-Roussillon. Special thanks to Cléa that clearly helped me to start all the scientific activities described in this web site.

Cléa Denamiel
Cléa Denamiel

Researcher at the MIT center for global change science.